Welcome to the official website of Digital Magazine by Amit Singh, a Digital Marketing Expert specializing in SEO, Content Marketing, Content Management, Email Marketing, Analytics, and AI

Analytics and Data

The Future of SEO: What Happens If ChatGPT Replaces Search Engines?

What happens if ChatGPT or similar AI-powered assistants replace search engines?

From Vision to Reality: Real World Examples of AI and Marketing

Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept confined to sci-fi tales - it's an integral part of our daily reality. From...

How to Use Analytics And Data-Driven Marketing

Step into the exciting world of digital marketing, where using analytics and data-driven strategies is like adding magic to your plan. This guide is...

Unveiling Channel Group Performance: An 8-Step Guide to Conducting a Content Marketing Audit in Google Analytics GA4

Indeed, the 80/20 rule is a fundamental principle in content marketing. It highlights the fact that a significant portion of the outcomes, such as...
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